Browsing All posts tagged under »mad planet«

A Collection of Stories about Collections of Colonies of Bees: Bon Iver, Pitchfork and sleeping instead of Cactus

February 16, 2008


Since I first saw them play about six months ago, I’ve said this randomly to various people at various times: Collection of Colonies of Bees may be my most favorite Milwaukee band of all time. I saw them open for Slarrafenland (the Danes) that I was blown away. I bought a copy of “Birds” that […]

Hot to Not: A short list to induce warm fuzzy feelings in you (Bon Iver, Bird and the Bee), then cold wrangly ones (lame fashion shows at art museums)

January 28, 2008


1. Vampire Weekend -  I was whining to a friend about the lousy Coachella lineup (this may be the first one I’ll miss in five years), and he said: “I have two words for you: Vampire Weekend.” So I looked them up and couldn’t stop listening to it. Shades of the Clash, some afro-beat influences, […]