Browsing All posts tagged under »bloc party«

Bloc Party at the Pabst

September 13, 2007


You could say I am a Bloc Party concert connoisseur, having seen the British band about six times since 2005. So I will say this: the band seemed pretty hyped to be playing for the first time ever in Wisconsin. (With the help of a couple of Red Bulls and a Pokemon stuffed toy onstage.) […]

Top 15 of 2005

January 8, 2006


Here are bands that blew me away in 2005 1. Broken Social Scene, Broken Social Scene They demolish the audience with their sonic army, and shoot out the music with subtle waves of sound and blasts of guitar…ewan. arte. I interviewed Kevin once. “Come backstage after the show,” he said. I would’ve, but then I […]