I live for lists. My friends and I make the best-of music lists every year for shits and giggles. I started writing this list in September, mostly because last year I didn’t have a top 10. It was more of a top 6, because I didn’t like as many albums as I thought I would. ( Here’s 2005, I think I lost my 2006 entry). This year was the exact opposite…Here is my top five followed by ones that spent a lot of time on my iPod
1. Battles – Mirrored
Watching Battles live — twice — was one of the biggest pleasures of my year. I love how their music is so cerebral yet hits your gut everytime. That they’re able to channel emotion, intelligence, wit, and intensity through thier instruments, without having to say a word. (Well, OK, sometimes they do.) And Tyondai is hot. Actually they all are. So there.
Battles, Lee’s Palace, Toronto
2. The National – Boxer
My favorite kind of music puts me in that in-between state of waking and dreaming. Where you don’t know where you are, exactly, you just know that you’re lost. But not in a bad way. This album did that for me, many times over.
The National, Pabst Theater, Milwaukee
3. Feist – The Reminder
Oh, Feist. My idol, my forever girl-crush. No song of hers could ever disappoint. Even though Justin thinks she’s a female John Kerry, I think she can do no wrong.
Feist, The Vic, Chicago
4. Radiohead- In Rainbows
Sometimes I go through Radiohead phases, where I want to listen to nothing but Radiohead on repeat. And the more albums they have, the longer that phase gets for me! YAY!
5. Brazzaville – East LA Breeze (2006, but I just discovered it.)
I love David Brown’s voice. And I love that his music is neither organic yet urban, Oriental and Western, here nor there.
Brazzaville, Bay View Bash, Milwaukee
Other CDs I totally loved:
J Todd vs. Milwaukee
Andrew Bird
The Bird and the Bee, Again and Again
Explosions in the Sky, All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Arcade Fire, Neon Bible
Bright Eyes, Cassadega
Blonde Redhead, 23
Ryan Adams, Easy Tiger
Interpol, Our Love to Admire
Sharon Jones, 100 Days, 100 Nights
Posted on December 31, 2007 by lillitot