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Too Fast!

July 22, 2014


Everyone said it would happen. I blinked and now I have a little boy. He asks me about antennas, speed bumps, compares his poops to Amtraks and says daddy (and not mommy) is his bestie. Dang.

Is it Art, or is it Fart?

September 26, 2013


Is it a Santiago Bose? From the moment I laid eyes on it, I knew it wasn’t my dad’s. The painting, titled ” Heart Assemblage,” was part of the Leon Gallery auction that will be held on Sept. 28. A giant yellow heart, rising over distant mountains like the sun, framed by ethnic figures. What […]

Grown-up Things I Want

September 18, 2013


1. Whole weekends with my family 2. A decision on where to buy a house 3. More Fluevogs.

Jimmie Durham on Santiago Bose

October 31, 2012


An excerpt from the artist Jimmie Durham’s work in This Long Century: I’ve written a poem about the Filipino artist, Santiago Bosé who seemed irresistible to all women and wanted to love them all. SANTIAGO BOSE’S POEM Far in the (not really so cold!) north of Norway But not yet Karasjok where I hope to […]

If You Could Live Anywhere But Here and Now

September 8, 2012


I always used to choose 1980s Baguio. But I think Sebastopol and/or Humboldt in 2012 would be a great place to live in too, if I could get over the cold.

Sometimes I Am So Happy It Feels Unfair

June 19, 2012


Can’t complain about anything these days. Thank you, universe!

My Little Bean Sprout

April 13, 2012


  Jah was sick, on and off, the past week. It was a first a fever, then a cold. Then the fever disappeared, but a rash took its place. And then, a cough that wouldn’t go away. Almost every night my 15 month old had difficulty sleeping, and he would sleep in our bed, tossing […]

My Husband is a Good Man Who Eats Orange Peels

December 28, 2011


What a Good Halloween Weekend

November 1, 2011


I’ve never been a big fan of costumes, just the candy. Now I get it.

For Our Last Night Without the Booboojingjing

September 28, 2011


We did some more karaoke, met up with old friends, hung out with new ones…til 4 a.m. It was a welcome distraction; I couldn’t wait til morning.