A few months ago, I had a faux chalkboard up in my tiny kitchen in Long Beach. (Actually we had two of them; one on the front door for reminders and the second one, the one I’m referring to, for general hopes and dreams.) On it: new digs, more $$$, and CREATIVITY in big letters, on top of the list. We just meant we wanted better ways to express ourselves artistically. And we’re incredibly happy that we got a lot of those items so soon after putting up that old list (it was January 2012 when we wrote everything down), so I feel a little silly for missing our tiny 2-bedroom (a mile from the beach!), my old job (I worked from home three times a week!) and just how familiar everything in Long Beach had become. So maybe I just have to work on the creativity part. I’m sure that will solve everything.
Posted on May 20, 2012 by lillitot